Insurance Discount Programs
A majority of our carriers have a program designed to save you money on your premium by participating in a Telematics program. Listed below are companies that offer these programs and how they work.
Nationwide: SmartRide
An app you download on your phone for 90 days that monitors how hard you brake, how fast you accelerate, and what times of the day you’re driving, and mileage. You get a 5% discount just for signing up, but a 40% is attainable if your score comes back great! This discount is vehicle specific. For example, if John has 3 vehicles on his policy but drives the F-150 and scores a 22% discount, the 22% is applied to the F-150’s premium and not the other 2 vehicles. This program is also available as a device you plug into your diagnostic port if you’d prefer to not have the app. Must have an email address to sign up.
Safeco: RightTrack
An app you download that monitors your driving habits. A minimum of a 5% discount is awarded for participating that lasts through the life of the policy. Customers AVERAGE savings is around $171 per year. You will not be surcharged for driving behaviors during your participation.
StateAuto: Safety360
A small, leave-in device for your vehicle that you keep until you decide to opt out. You get a 10% discount for signing up, and can attain a 50% depending on your score and for each renewal that you participate in. If you decide to withdrawal from the program, any earned discounts will be removed from your policy.
Travelers: IntelliDrive
An app you download on your phone for 90 days that monitors how hard you brake, how fast you accelerate, speeding, what times you drive, and how often you drive distracted (getting on your phone). You also receive UP TO a 10% discount for signing up, and can attain up to a 30% discount on your auto policy depending on your score. However, riskier driving habits may result in a higher premium after completion.
Our agents are available to discuss if these programs would be a good fit for you and your policy. We are also willing to help you get these apps and devices set up for you! Give us a call: 865-966-2111, press the prompt for the location nearest you!